Futari wa pretty cure max heart the movie 2 9anime
Futari wa pretty cure max heart the movie 2 9anime

  • Dobutsu City ( 動物市, Dobutsu City ?) - The main setting in this series.
  • He is cold, ruthless and power-hungry who wants to conquer the universe, mostly earth.
  • Calamity King ( カラミティキング, Calamity King ?) - The main antagonist of this series.
  • Calamity Destruction Tribe ( 災難破壊部族, Calamity Destruction Tribe ?) - The Home of the Antagonists that tried to destroy the Dobutsu City.
  • Shimamori Yuko ( 島森ゆうこ, Shimamori Yuko ?) .
  • She transformed into a moon of the purple katydids, Cure Violet RX. She is a childhood and best friend of Homura. Her mom is a famous archer player and ice skater who won most of the trophies.

    futari wa pretty cure max heart the movie 2 9anime

    She is quiet but intelligent, sporty and smart unlike her aunt. Mishou Sumire ( 美翔すみれ, Mishou Sumire ?) ◇ Cure Violet RX (キュアバイオレットRX) - Sumire is a daughter of Mishou Yuna (Kamen Rider Violet RX) and Kazuya, aunt of Mishou Mai and Uncle of Hyuuga Kohtaro (Kamen Rider Black RX).She transformed into a sun of the black grasshoppers, Cure Black RX.

    futari wa pretty cure max heart the movie 2 9anime

    Her mom runs a bread shop where she sometimes works here. Unlike her father, she was suck at studies just like Saki does. She is the childhood friend of Sumire who sporty, happy-go-lucky, and cheerful who is like her father. Hyuuga Homura ( 日向ほむら, Hyuuga Homura ?) ◇ Cure Black RX (キュアブラックRX) - Homura is a daughter of Hyuuga Saki and Kohtaro (Kamen Rider Black RX) and aunt of Mishou Yuna (Kamen Rider Violet RX) and Hyuuga Minori.

    Futari wa pretty cure max heart the movie 2 9anime